John J.H. Kelly (Medal of Honor)
Dr. Alonzo Kenniebrew (physician)
Killing of police detective, 1938
Legh Kimball (‘People Lincoln knew’)
Richard Kinsella (baseball scout, team owner)
‘The Great Klaholt robbery,’ 1883
Klever’s Model controversy (‘the hog case’)
Elmer Kneale (Mid-Day Luncheon Club)
Harry Knotts (wireless telegrapher)
Howard Knotts (World War I ace)
Harriet Knudson (First Citizen)
The Krehbiel murals (Illinois Supreme Court)
Springfield’s Ku Klux Klan legislator, 1920s
Ku Klux Klan rally at Illinois State Fairgrounds, 1922 (photo)
Lake Springfield holdout, 1933
Lanphier High School’s historic Earth Day flag
Robert Carr Lanphier meets Thomas Edison
Last Springfield street car, 1938 (photos)
Philip Latham (1828 pioneers)
Lauterbach Cottage Hardware ax attacks, 1981
League Park (Lawless Park)
Maydie Spaulding Lee (radical hostess)
Dr. Leeds’ gold coin trove, Buffalo
R. Wells Leib (Lincoln College of Law)
The Lemon Jelly Cake (Madeline Babcock Smith)
Edward Levanius (tombstone artist)
John L. Lewis (United Mine Workers)
Samuel Lewis (first rural mail carrier)
Lexington (legendary racehorse)
A.J. Liebling on Lincoln’s presence in Springfield, 1950
Abraham Lincoln (ALPLM reading list)
Lincoln Center/Ann Rutledge Pancake House
Abraham Lincoln’s Farewell Address to Springfield
Lincoln-Herndon law office building, 1886 (photo)
First Lincoln Home (214 S. Fourth St.)
Lincoln Home neighborhood in 1971 (Nelson Howarth)
Lincoln Home after the Lincolns (1861-1953)
Lincoln Land Community College founded, 1967
Lincoln Library Carnegie building, 1904-74
Lincoln Library’s grandfather clock
Lincoln Library and World War I
Lincoln Ordnance Depot (World War II)
Lincoln sculpture, Illinois State Fairgrounds
Lincoln Tomb: ‘Battle of the Gravesite’
Lincoln Tomb custodian’s home (‘The Castle’)
Lincoln Tomb: Destruction of the sarcophagus
Lincoln Tomb: Abraham Lincoln’s pallbearers
Lincoln Tomb: Mary Lincoln letters about location
Lincoln Tomb: Fleetwood Lindley and the reburial of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln Tomb: Larkin Mead, designer
Lincoln Tomb: National Lincoln Monument Association directors, 1865
Lincoln Tomb: John Carroll Power, first custodian
Lincoln Tomb: Reconstruction and rededication, 1931
Lincoln Tomb statuary (exterior)
Lincoln Tomb streetcar line (1880)
Charles Lindbergh airmail flights
Catharine Frazee Lindsay (visionary)
Lithuanian children at Palmer School, 1910s
Lithuanians in Sangamon County
Lithuanian radicals in Sangamon County
Lithuanian-American casualties in World Wars I and II
A.C. Littlejohn fraud and suicide (1930s)
Loami High School (closed high schools)
William Lochridge (Pawnee banker)
Stephen T. Logan (Lincoln law partner)
Lafore Lock (World War I hero)
Charles Longest (armed robber, World War II hero)
Harry Loper (Springfield race riot)
Joseph C. Ludgate, ‘long distance singer’
Jack Lum (‘hibernation therapy’)
E. Carl Lundgren (Springfield Muni Opera)
John Lutz (hatter and haberdasher)
Edris Mabie shooting, 1935 (mine union war)
Jeanette MacDonald concert controversy, 1939-40
Joey Mack, dance man (Springfield Lithuanians)
The Mack family and Springfield McDonald’s restaurants (Springfield Lithuanians)
‘Madame Brownie’ (bordello operator)
I.A. Madden (soil adviser)
Elizabeth Magie (Monopoly precursor)
Malaria in early Sangamon County
George Mann (gangland murders)
The Mansion, Riverton
Manufacturers in Springfield, 1953
Rabbi Barry Marks (First Citizen)
Edith Martin (teacher & heroine)
Lewis Martin, 29th U.S. Colored Troops
Maternal Health Center/Planned Parenthood
Charles Matheny (1828 pioneers)
Guy Mathis (photographer, first auto dealer)
Artie Matthews (ragtime composer)
‘Mayor of Bronzeville’ election, 1939
Jesse L. McCoy, WWII ‘daggerman‘
Joseph McCoy and the McCoy brothers
Luann McDaniel (Valley Forge nurse)
Duncan McDonald (labor leader)
Andrew McFarland (mental health center namesake)
‘Iron Man’ Joe McGinnity (baseball player)
John McGredy (nurseryman)
Larkin Mead (Lincoln Tomb designer)
Measles vaccinations, 1966 (photo)
Mechanicsburg High School (closed high schools)
S.H. Melvin (National Lincoln Monument Association)
Pierre Menard statue, Statehouse (removed)
Merchants and Shippers Association
Charles Messter (radio pioneer)
Samuel Metcalf (ousted sheriff)
Mildred Park bridge collapse, 1905 (photos)
The Mill, tavern and restaurant
Benjamin Miller, homesick murderer
‘Millie,’ the Illinois State Museum mastodon mascot
Louie Mitchell, pioneer aviator
Z.W. Mitchell (African-American activist)
Mordecai Mobley (1828 pioneers)
Eva Carroll Monroe (Lincoln Colored Home)
Lucretia ‘Aunt Cressy’ Moore (1828 pioneers)
Moose Club ‘athletic show,’ 1914 (Springfield Survey)
Moran Market (first self-service)
Gertrude Wright Morgan (first African-American high school graduate, civil rights activist)
Mary Morrison (school board member)
Caryl Moy (Planned Parenthood)
The Muller blocks (Lenox Avenue)
‘The mule line‘ (Buffalo to Mechanicsburg)
Albert Myers Jr. (First Citizens)
Myers Brothers Department Store
Elijah E. Myers (architect)
‘Napkin social,’ First Methodist Church (1895)
National Emancipation Monument (proposed)
National Lincoln Monument Association directors, 1865
National Register of Historic Places — Sangamon County
Seth Barnes Nicholson (astronomer)
Leslie Nimmo (Horace Mann insurance)
North Side State Bank collapse, 1927
Margaret Cross Norton (state archivist)
Oak Ridge Abbey (mausoleum)
Adelaide O’Brien, aviator
Gov. Richard Oglesby (National Lincoln Monument Association)
Old Settlers Society of Sangamon County
Old Stone House, Rochester
Oldest home in Sangamon County
‘On the Building of Springfield’ (Vachel Lindsay)
International Union of Operating Engineers, 1930s (photo)
Orange Judd buildings, Rochester
Richard Orr (farm writer)
Dr. Daniel Ottis (World War I surgeon)
The Owen Family (Mary Hurst and Thomas J.V.)