Park Sherman Company

The Park Sherman Company operated in Springfield from the early 1930s, when founder Jacob Sherman bought a plant formerly operated by the Springfield-based Shanklin Manufacturing Co.,  until 1960.

Shanklin Manufacturing, 2725 S. 11th St., founded by George Shanklin, marketed an innovative carbide miners’ lamp, the Guy’s Dropper, beginning in 1913. The firm succumbed to the Great Depression in 1930.

After replacing Shanklin, Park Sherman continued to make lamps and other items for the mining industry, including the popular Storm King line of lamps.

However, Park Sherman became better known for producing cigarette lighters, desk accessories and a variety of office and novelty items. According to a 2004 presentation to the Sangamon County Historical Society, one of the local newspapers once estimated that most Springfield residents had Park Sherman items in their homes without realizing it.

The company’s products were sold throughout the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Advertisements often used the catchphrase “Precision Made by Park Sherman, Springfield, Illinois.”

In 1960, Park Sherman was sold to the New Jersey firm of Ketcham & McDougall. Because of wage costs and labor problems, the Park Sherman division moved from Springfield to Murfreesboro, Tenn.  Only seven of the 300 workers moved with the company. Jacob Sherman died the following year.

A wide range of Park Sherman memorabilia is available on eBay and similar sites. Below are two examples.

Park Sherman Silent Butler Crumb Catcher

Park Sherman Silent Butler Crumb Catcher

Park Sherman revolving bar set

Park Sherman revolving bar set

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64 Responses to Park Sherman Company

  1. william whiteis says:

    I have just been given a nice gift from a long time friend. It is an Everdry Park Sherman match holder and still is full of original matches. Was just wondering what the value may be or even more important about when it might have been made. Thanks, Dub whiteis

  2. Jennilyn Berger says:

    I have this item can u tell me more about it please. It wont let me send a pic. But its the glass bar set without tray and cups

  3. editor says:

    Ms. Berger: Short of taking the set to an antiques dealer for a real appraisal, all I can suggest is seeing what similar sets have sold for on eBay. Sorry I can’t be of more help. Thanks for reading.

  4. Wendy will says:

    Need phone number or address for park Sherman. Collectib

    • editor says:

      Wendy: I’m sorry, but, as the entry notes, the Park Sherman company went out of business in Springfield in 1960. You’ll need to search the internet for information on collectibles. Thanks for reading.

  5. Gerry says:

    A friend just gave me a very unique cigarette lighter in brand new condition made by Park. It’s nice to find some background on the original manufacturer. The company that the lighter was made for, Metal Litho Corp., also closed it’s doors many years ago.

  6. Bobby Goldesberry says:

    My Grandma worked there I think it was in late 40s or early 50s. I have a little coal miner match stick holder that she had given my grandpa. Thanks for the article.

  7. George Goodstein says:

    I live in Portland Oregon and just bought a lighter at a thrift store. It is a Park, in it’s original purple box, with the number (model?) 1281 on the side and 2 packets of flints inside. It’s chrome, in mint condition, and I got it for $3. I saw a similar one in bronze that sold on ETSY and they described it as being from the 1940’s and one of their earlier models, so I’m wondering if this is true. The box also notes “IT’S WINDPROOF” on top. I’m just curious as to it’s age. If I could attach a picture I would. Thans.

    • editor says:

      Mr. Goodstein: Thanks for asking about the Park-Sherman lighter. Outside of what I read on various collection sites, however,
      I know nothing about the backgrounds of Park-Sherman items. I hope another reader can pass along information. I’ll notify you if I learn more.

  8. darleen volkert says:

    I have a ParkSherman postal scale that has never been used. It is in original box with partitions and instructions. It is model 6010 walnut finish. Is there a museum that might be interested in obtaining this. I am 85 year old and live alone. I am not up to advertising on various websites. Thank you.

  9. Lori says:

    I am dating water main from the early 1900’s and the Shanklin water service is referenced – i’m trying to find out where this plant would have been located in 1920.

    • editor says:

      Lori: The place you want to go to locate the Shanklin plant is the Sangamon Valley Collection, third floor of Lincoln Library. Ask for the city directory for 1920. Should take you just a few moments. And thanks for reading.

  10. Ruby Wells Cade says:

    My Mother worked at Park Sherman from the 40’s until they closed and moved the Factory to Tennessee.I have pictures of the old Factory with employees standing in front.And many memories of there Park Sherman Christmas Parties.I have a few of the lighters from there they were called Storm King they made so many things.

    • editor says:

      Ms. Cade: Thanks for reading. If you’re able to email me one of the photos of the factory and employees, I’d love to publish it with the Park Sherman entry. (You’d get credit for the contribution.)

    • Carole Chase Draughan says:

      My Dad worked at Park Sherman when he came back from WWII. It would have been in the mid to late 1940’s. I’d love to see picture of employees.

  11. Mary says:

    We have one of the revolving bar sets. Does anyone know if the glass is lead crystal?

  12. Vicki says:

    My father worked for Park Sherman (later to become Park Industries) when it moved to Murfreesboro, TN. Unfortunately, he has passed away so I can’t get the answers to many of the questions. He was the plant manager and I remember visiting the plant many, many times as a child. I also remember Bill and Bob Sherman (2 brothers who were owners). I remember the cigarette lighters, cigarette cases, crumb catcher, and a few other items that were manufactured there. I also know in later years they made a butane lighter but it never became as popular as the other butane lighters on the market at the time.

    • editor says:

      Vicki: Thanks for the information, and thanks for reading.

    • Douglas L Cox says:

      I used to play golf with Bob Sherman in the 70’s and got to meet several of the key people that worked with Bob. Bob’ wife was named Micky and as I recall was from a prominent family in Nashville. I can’t remember his name but a tall red headed man ran the factory at that time.

  13. Gene Crane says:

    I just found a Park Lighter in an old box my father had. It is still in the cardboard box and in unused condition. Interesting to here that they made these in Murfreesboro, Tn, which is where I live. I would like to know what these lighters are selling for. Thanks

  14. Larry Beach says:

    Thank you for providing some information on this company, I appreciate you time doing the research.
    My Mother Passed away last month, she had a Perpetual Sherman No1 Calendar she used every day until gently passing in her sleep. She knew I loved it and it had been a part of my whole life, I just hadn’t realized it.
    It is now in my home and my 12 yr old Daughter loves being the one to set Grandma’s
    Calendar every morning. A simple device that has lasted much longer than anybody probably imagined it would.
    Have a Blessed Day,
    Larry Duane Beach
    Primghar, Iowa

    • editor says:

      Mr. Beach: Thank YOU for reading and for the touching comment.

    • Eva Brothers says:

      Larry , Like you I also have a Perpetual Sherman No1 Calendar
      My Father -n-law was a Principal/ Teacher for 30 yrs and this
      little calendar sat on his desk the whole time. After retirement
      it went to his home desk. For the last 26 yrs I have had the
      pleasure of setting this calendar. I am now turning this pleasure
      over to my grandson :) Like you who would of thought something
      so small would last so long.
      Eva Brothers
      East Sparta ,Ohio

  15. Norm says:

    I have a Bronze desk hand turn calendar that my Grandfather gave me

  16. Thomas hylton says:

    I have a park lighter with a mcdonalds emblem on it would like to know when it was made

  17. Janice langdon says:

    I have an oval tray, made of plywood,?, with flower inlay in the center of veneer top. On the back is a small brass marker with the words “park Sherman Co. Springfield, ill.” I have not been able to find any info on this table. Can you help me out?

  18. Xavier says:

    Okay so I have an original johnny cash show park lighter and a colonial federal savings park lighter I have looked on eBay and I cannot find anything on them by any chance do you have any ideas.

  19. Mary says:

    Did Park Sherman make solid walnut roll-top desks? We have such a desk with a velvet Park Sherman label in it. Label size is about 5 3/4 inches by 3 inches
    The label reads: Park Sherman U.S.A. Solid Walnut.

  20. me says:

    I have a lifetime guantee on a lighter. I need to have it repaired. Is the company still honoring it? Thanks

    • editor says:

      As far as I can tell, Park Sherman is out of business. If you search the Internet, I think you’ll find that Arden Industries/Park Sherman in Murfreesboro, Tenn., where the company moved in 1960, is a Superfund site, meaning that it had to be cleaned up because of toxic materials. I doubt your guarantee is worth anything. I hope I’m wrong; if so, I’m sure another reader will let us know. Thanks for reading.

  21. Terry Coleman says:

    Hi, I have a park lighter that was given to my father in 1954 from Great Lakes Steel in Detroit Michigan. It is in it’s original box and it has never been struck. I was wondering is it of any value to the company or any collectors, and how do I go about finding that out?

  22. Nancy Heley says:

    I have a small four drawer bank with Park Sherman engraved on the round metal closure. The top drawer pulls out to insert money. Do you have any information on this. Was it an employee gift or an item for sale.

  23. mary hoglund says:

    I have a merry go round bar or jigger in a jiffy as the box says..Park Sherman co. Springfield, Illinois. There is also a sticker on the box. ONE-No.1561. Not sure what is behind the sticker. The shot glasses have two gold rings on them. As far as I have figured it is about 60 to 65 years old. Was wondering if it is worth anything

  24. Bought today in Lisbon, Portugal a Park Sherman clock / desk calendar for 50€

  25. Patti Lovejoy McKee says:

    I used to work at Park Sherman Industries in 1977 or so, but when I go back to Murfreesboro, I cannot find it. When and why did it go out of business? Many good memories there.

  26. Alexi M. Flores says:

    I just bought a bar set dispenser (like the one from the pic on top of page) from thrift store and dinner trying to find out how to dismantle the spout for a thorough cleaning. Is there somewhere like a Manuel I can download or something so I can find out how to care for it and take it apart?

    • Marcia says:

      Have you found a way to clean the spout? I just got one of these dispensers and am wondering the same question you asked.

      • Krystin says:

        Hello, im wondering if you figured out a way to clean the spout? I’ve also thrifted one and would live to sanitize it. Thanks!

        • Marcia Dobberpuhl says:

          No I never did. I have used it and it was fine. If I leave liquors in it, the liquors discolor over time.

  27. Richard Dennis says:

    Today My wife found an everdry match holder made by Park Sherman. It was in an old house that a WWII vet lived in and he saved just about everything. The house has been vacant for 10 years and she’s preparing it for renovation.

  28. Lizzie says:

    My husband found a Park Lighter in box on a market stall the marking on it are
    Out 200th Birthday 1776/1976 Dover N.H. Police Dept 1976
    Is it of any value

  29. Arin Gerhardt says:

    I have came across a Park Sherman Silent Butler Crumb Catcher just like the one you have pictured here except mine is green and has felt on the bottom. I havent came across any like it on E-Bay and I am tryin to figure out various info on it. Can anyone help?

  30. DAVID EZZARD says:

    My neighbors down the lake who are in their upper 80s recently sold their house and took less than 10% of their belongings. Mr. Ramsey told me I could go in and get anything I wanted and I got several unique items. One of which is a Park Sherman windproof lighter with the medallion on it. It Says no accident five year award North Carolina national forests. I was wondering when this might have been made and what the value might be

  31. Kennthy Morgan says:

    Bud Hart was the one that ran the plant.

  32. Gaston Meacham says:

    Was wondering if there were any telephone cards for a desk rolodex refill #30r Thank you for any info…………..Gaston

  33. Keith Gearlds says:

    My wife has an item called “Twisty” made by park sherman. Can you offer any insight on this item and how much it might be worth to a collector?

  34. Marci Parks says:

    What year was the liquor dispenser made?
    Thank you,

  35. Elaine Lyons says:

    My Dad worked at Park Sherman in Springfield. I still have several Park Sherman items.

  36. Joann says:

    I have a Park Sherman rectangular brass box with a round glass medallion on top with a jockey riding a horse inside the medallion. The box depth is approx. 3 to 4 inches, and the width is approx. 6 inches. Inside the box are 3 individual compartments.
    The bottom of the box is stamped with PARK SHERMAN and an emblem P/S with an arrow in the middle of the P/K
    This belonged to my Dad, who is now deceased. Born 1916.
    Would love to find any info. I remember this when I was a very little girl, ? 5 and I am now 74. Thank you for any info.

  37. Skyler says:

    I have a park lighter stamped Murfresboro, Tenn. U.S.A. Could anyone tell me how old it is. It alao says Rich-Knit waco texas on the case ?

  38. Kathleen M Draxler says:

    My grandfather was a night watchman at Park Sherman for many years.

  39. Patrick Kruger says:

    I worked in the warehouse for Ketchum & McDougall in Roseland NJ 1970s they had a division called Park Sherman that made office accessories. I do believe they had purchased the company rights from the company in Tenn. not sure they also had PAT products, & Aqua Meter divisions too. K&MD went out of business in 1988 as far as I could tell

  40. Debbie Weich says:

    I just found a small back that had been my mother. It’s in a box that is black and white and has PARK SHERMAN and has checkered squares. The desk paper note item is gold and on the cover is black with sprinkles that are silver strips. I’d like to know what year it may be from and if it has a value of it. Thank you for your information.

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