Converse High School (closed high schools)

Playground scene at Converse High, 1936 (Illinois Glory Days)

Playground scene at Converse High, 1936 (Illinois Glory Days)

Quick facts about Converse High School, Eighth Street and Eastman Avenue, Springfield from Illinois High School Glory Days, a website that chronicles more than 1,100 closed high schools throughout Illinois.

Opened as 1-room school: 1862
Opened as 1-8 grade school: 1891
First high school class: 1930 (freshmen only)
Second year of HS offered: 1934 (freshmen & sophomores)
Third year of HS offered: 1935 (freshmen, sophomores, & juniors)
Four-year HS established: 1936 (seniors added)
Closed: January of 1937; students moved to: newly opened Lanphier HS (five blocks away)
Converse HS team nickname: “Corsairs”
Converse HS team colors: Orange & Black
School Fight Song: “On With Converse” (University of Wisconsin fight song tune)

Thanks to Phil Shadid for directing us to Illinois High School Glory Days.schs logo (2)

Original content copyright Sangamon County Historical Society. You are free to republish this content as long as credit is given to the Society.

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