Ursuline Academy (closed high schools)

Quick facts about Ursuline Academy, Springfield, from Illinois High School Glory Days, a website that chronicles more than 1,100 closed high schools throughout Illinois.

Established: Sept. 1857 (all-girls school)
First year boys enrolled: September 1981
Closed: May 2008 (15 graduated)
Motto: Serviam (I will serve)
Colors: Red and white
Team nickname: Sonics
Song: “Ursuline”
 Ursuline, to dear old Ursuline,
We pledge our endless love today.
Ursuline, forever Ursuline,
Though life may lead us far away.
Alma Mater beautiful,
Star-like ever shine.
On our path to guide our faltering steps,
Home at last, dear Ursuline.

More information: Ursuline Sisters, this index

Thanks to Phil Shadid for drawing our attention to Illinois Glory Days.schs logo (2)

Original content copyright Sangamon County Historical Society. You are free to republish this content as long as credit is given to the Society.


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