Closed high schools in Sangamon County

The list below of high schools that no longer exist in Sangamon County is taken from Illinois High School Glory Days. The site describes itself as  “a collaborative effort to preserve Illinois history, as reflected in high schools which no longer function, but nonetheless encapsulate the best of who we are and have been.”

As of June 2014, Illinois High School Glory Days had information on 1,162 closed high schools throughout Illinois.

Illinois High School Glory Days is written and maintained by amateur contributors, among them Phil Shadid of Springfield, who compiled much of the information on former Sangamon County schools.

In addition to basic information on each school, the school sites often include memories written by graduates and former students. Sports records are well documented for nearly all of the schools.

Here are lists of closed high schools in Sangamon County. See our Index page for individual entries.

  • Closed high schools in Springfield: Cathedral/Griffin; Converse; Feitshans; Sacred Heart Academy; St. James Trade School; Ursuline Academy.
  • Closed rural high schools: Ball Township; Buffalo; Chatham; Dawson; Divernon; Illiopolis; Loami; Mechanicsburg; Salisbury.

Thanks to Phil Shadid for directing us to Illinois Glory Days. schs logo (2)

Original content copyright Sangamon County Historical Society. You are free to republish this content as long as credit is given to the Society. Learn how to support the Society. 


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