Quick facts about Buffalo High School from Illinois High School Glory Days, which chronicles more than 1,100 closed high schools throughout Illinois.
Year opened: 1860s
Year 1st brick school built: 1870
Year 2nd brick school built: 1923
Last time as stand-alone high school: May 1937
Year of consolidation: September 1937
Year current school opened: September 1938 (Tri-City Community HS)
Team nickname: “Warriors”
School colors: Red & Black
Team nickname: “Warriors”
Tri-City was Illinois’ first consolidated school district. Buffalo residents (including those in Buffalo Hart & Lanesville) voted 165-38 in favor of consolidation. The vote was 94-10 in Sawson and 26-2 in Mechanicsburg.
Thanks to Phil Shadid for directing us to Illinois High School Glory Days.
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